How to Drive from Manuel Antonio to La Fortuna.

The drive from Manuel Antonio to La Fortuna is about 4hr 47min, but expect to take 5-6 hours accounting for stops along the way.

Costa Rica Driving Tips:

  • Your driver’s license is usually valid. Most visitors can drive in Costa Rica with a valid driver’s license from their home country
  • Gas stations are full service only. stay in your car and the attendant will pump for you. credit card and tap to pay are common.
  • Most of the bridges in Costa Rica are one lane. You may have to stop to let opposing traffic through first. 
  • When going down long steep grades. you can use your engine break to avoid overheating the breaks. You can do this by shifting into L or 1. Dont forget to shift back into drive before going up again. 
  • Center lane markers are the same as in the USA. Lanes are marked with double solid lines when passing is not allowed, and hatched (dotted) lines when passing is permitted. Beware, locals may ignore this rule and pass at any point. Be polite and slow down a bit to let someone by if it looks dangerous. 
  • For motorcycles, lane splitting is legal. watch your left side in heavy traffic.
  • Police may set up checkpoints. This is usually harmless and they just wave you through, but always wear your seatbelt and have your documentation handy.
  • pedestrians do not have the right of way. people trying to cross the street won’t expect you to stop for them. If you do stop, just be careful not to get rear-ended.
  • Apple Maps does not have driving directions for Costa Rica. Make sure to have Google maps installed and always download maps for offline use. We had great cell coverage, but it’s best to have a backup option in case your service goes out. Learn how to download Goole Maps for offline use here


219 km


4 hr 47 min

This is a beautiful drive. Costa Rican roads are well maintained for the most part and we’d recommend renting a car over a bus or flight any day. Make sure to read up on renting a car in costa rica, as we were surprised by some add-ons that seemed sketchy but turned out to be legit.

While we were able to drive from San Jose to Manuel Antonio at night, we would not recommend driving this route in the dark.

Remember it gets dark by 6 PM everyday in Costa Rica!

NOte: due to some road closures our route was, to put it mildly, spicy. not unsafe at all, and actually kind of fun in the end. I have included the more mild route at the bottom of the post, but the spicy route was actually kind of fun!

Start on route 34 and follow the coast, passing through the palm oil farms. Expect some mildly hilly roads until you get to Jaco. stop at the hill and admire the view of the city. After this, the road begins to climb into the mountains.

Stop at the Rio Tarcoles bridge to see the huge crocs down below.

At Orotina you’ll get onto route 3. Up and down more mountains for about 15km, which will seem like 30km. 

Just before Jesus you’ll pass La Casita del Café. Stop and admire the view, eat lunch and prepare. The next part is intense. Don’t forget to give some change to the man outside watching cars.

So. Many. Switchbacks.

Next, turn up onto route 713. The road gets narrow and rough in some spots but you are on the right path. 

When you crest this hill, pay attention to where google tells you to turn. You’re not actually turning, but following the road. We missed this and turned onto Calle Zapote. This was a mistake and we almost got stuck!

From here you will go up some serious hills! The switchbacks are brutal and on steep grades. Watch the turns ahead of you and use your engine breaking going down long steep grades when you can (low gear or 1).

Eventually you will see San Ramon on your left in the valley. Pull over if you see a spot and enjoy the beautiful view.

Almost There!

Down into San Ramon you will be in the city again. Follow the map and get on route 702. Just outside of town, stop at either Bar Restaurante Mi Rancho or Doña Emilce’s house to use the clean restrooms and restock on refreshments. 

Stay on 702 for About 70km until you reach La Fortuna. The rainforest is spectacular! Stop and admire the views. Remember, the journey is half the adventure.

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